Science Fiction       and Fantasy Unit

Miss Erin McCabe


Information about the Instructor

Unit Description

This unit was designed to give students experience with science fiction and fantasy. It is intended for students ages 12-15. During this unit students will be reading four novels that are found in the Science Fiction and Fantasy Realm. Students will be anwering discussion questions, completing study guides for the novels, and completing other activities related to the novels.


Rowling, J.K. (1999). Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
ISBN: 0613206339

L'Engle, Madeline. (1976). A Wrinkle in Time
ISBN: 0374386137

Lowry, Lois. (1993). The Giver
ISBN: 0395645662

Tolkien, J.R.R. (2001). The Hobbit
ISBN: 0618162216


A. The students will read and discuss four novels that are found in the science fiction and fantasy genre.
The students will identify and describe characters from the four novels used in this unit.
C. The students will identify and describe key events from the plots of these novels.
D. The students will use Internet resources to locate information for activities related to these novels.

Unit Materials

Study Questions

Discussion Questions

Internet Activities

Print Activities